What’s New

eBay The Giving Works

You can donate up to 100% of what you sell on eBay to VOTK. Simply go to the following link and click on Register Now to start your generous contribution.


Donate online with PayPal!

If you are looking for a way to help the sanctuary, click on the PayPal icon below. PayPal is a secure internet-based way to send and receive money. All you need is an email address and credit card or checking account.

To use PayPal, click the icon below and set up your own personal PayPal account (it’s free). Then click on “send money”, enter the recipient’s e-mail address —info@votk.org–, and the amount you want to send. You can pay with a credit card or checking account.

Please be sure to use the “Friends and Family” option when donating through PayPal.

Valley of the Kings Paypal

VOTK will then get an e-mail informing us that you made a donation. It’s a quick and easy way to make a difference to the animals.