Meet The Animals at The Valley of the Kings

Meet Our Sponsored Animals


Support Our Unsponsored Animals


We have some of the best sponsors in the world here at The Valley of the Kings! We appreciate all our members who faithfully and consistently help the animals each month with their financial support and gifts of time, talent, and prayers. Some of our members enjoy the special status of Sponsor. These members give a little more of their gifts by sponsoring an individual animal. Here you can find a list of our wonderful sponsors, that all may know of their service.

Visit our membership page to find out how you can become a sponsor or a member of The Valley of the Kings.

Help support The Valley of the Kings by donating through PayPal!Valley of the Kings Paypal

We invite you to view our sponsored and unsponsored animals, where you can find a list of our wonderful sponsors and find animals that need your help.

For those of you who would like to become sponsors, we welcome you. The donation for sole sponsorship of a lion or tiger is $200/month. A donation of $50/month will sponsor a cougar or leopard. A donation of $25/month will sponsor a smaller mammal.

Interested? Please contact us through our on-site contact page or give us a call at 262-736-9386!